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virtual office, business office, Executive office

Volunteers Drive SCORE’s Mission of Shaping Small Business Success

While small business success can be the result of many different actions and decisions, at SCORE, we think one thing is essential: volunteers. In April, we celebrate National Volunteer Month to recognize the dedication of volunteers in all varieties of service, whatever their reason for participating. We celebrate our SCORE volunteers all year long. Every single SCORE mentor is a volunteer! More than 10,000 volunteers with 300 SCORE chapters across the United States work one-on-one with local and aspiring business owners either in-person, through email or via video chat. In fiscal year 2016, SCORE volunteers donated 2.17 million hours to mentoring clients, planning and teaching workshops, and running...

Business Entrepreneurs Networking

Business Entrepreneurs Networking was wonderful and inspiring. During the events , we have special guests covering a special topic. Our speaker for the night was Mariana Cortez, who showed people how they can impact a business deal or a personal relationship with the message "behind" their words. She discussed 10 communication tools that will work for your business and personal conversations so you get results and "miracles".  Body language, tone of voice, confidence and attitude are all  important components in successful communication. In every meeting, there are new entrepreneurs who come to network with other business owners. Some may have similar backgrounds and interest, while others may not. Everyone has different...

Top 12 Customer Service Quotes 7 of 12

Top 12 Customer Service Quotes 7 of 12  Quote 07: Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning. • Office In America Co. Bring possibilities to your business. We are your business service provider in corporate address, office space, co-working space, personal assistant, mail handling, conference room, meeting space, phone number, fax number and more. Are you trying to bring success to your business? Visit us to learn more at Resource: Icraftopia...

virtual office,business office, Executive suite, office space

A Few Favorite Things Inspired This Couple’s Encore Business

Gidgette Moshier was looking for a new project as she neared the end of her teaching career. She and her husband, Ken, both had a business background; Gidgette’s parents had owned two businesses, and the couple started an auto-repair shop in Phoenix they later handed down to their son. The couple decided to draw on their love for traveling and tea, as well as their small business backgrounds, to open the English Garden Tea Room. “After investigating all that went into it, we decided that we would have to expand our concept in order to be a viable business,” Gidgette remembers. “That’s where SCORE came in.” New industry?...

virtual office, private office, Executive Suite. Houston, Texas

5 Interesting Ways to Make Your Real Estate Website Stand Out

Our digital world requires every real estate professional to not just have a website, but a great website that stands out from the millions of other realtors and personal sellers that you’re competing against. Even for realtors who only work within a small region, a high-quality website is the best way to stand out. However, this isn’t just about looks—keeping your website current and writing detailed listings descriptions, for example, are also important, ensuring that potential clients can access all the important information. Those refusing to acknowledge the industry-wide shift to digital risk getting left behind, and you don’t want to be one of those people. Here are...

virtual office, business office, private office, Houston, Texas

How to Boost Your Sales With Social Video

Online video is becoming increasingly influential on customers’ purchasing behavior. In particular, social video—video that’s shared on social media—is growing in popularity and power. Consider these stats from a survey reported by MediaPost: 46 percent of social video viewers have bought something after watching a branded video on social media, while one-third have considered doing so. After watching a social video, respondents say they “like” it 47 percent of the time, share it 37 percent of the time, and click through to get more details about the business 33 percent of the time. 67 percent of respondents watch more video on social networks than they did...

Top 12 Customer Service Quotes 6 of 12

Top 12 Customer Service Quotes 6 of 12  Quote 06: The goal as a company is to have customer service that is not just the best but legendary. • Office In America Co. Bring possibilities to your business. We are your business service provider in corporate address, office space, co-working space, personal assistant, mail handling, conference room, meeting space, phone number, fax number and more. Are you trying to bring success to your business? Visit us to learn more at Resource: Icraftopia...

virtual office, Houston, business office,

Your Business Deserves Spring Cleaning, Too

When spring blooms outside, you might think of cleaning your home or preparing your garden beds. But what about your small business? Doesn’t it deserve a thorough spring cleaning, too? You or your staff may follow a checklist to keep your business looking great day in and day out. But just like your home deserves a deep cleaning after a long winter, so does your business! Look at your business with fresh eyes this spring, and get to work tidying up one or more of the following: 1. Old documents Why are you holding on to so much old paper? In this digital age, it’s much easier to keep business...

virtual office, Office in America Co, Houston, Texas

Business Entrepreneurs Networking

Business Entrepreneurs Networking Event was a full house. In every meeting, there are new entrepreneurs who come to network with other business owners. During our events , we have a special guest covering a special topic. Our speaker for the night was Mark McComb, who talked about how to Invest in your future. He is the owner of Structure Solutions which help clients achieve their goals and create profitability by aligning technology, processes and resources. During our events, we offer a prize to one lucky entrepreneur. The prize of the event was for a one day of office use at Office In America Co. facility. If you would like to know more about...

Top 12 Customer Service Quotes 5 of 12

Top 12 Customer Service Quotes 5 of 12  Quote 05: You are serving a customer, not a life sentence. Learn how to enjoy your work. • Office In America Co. Bring possibilities to your business. We are your business service provider in corporate address, office space, co-working space, personal assistant, mail handling, conference room, meeting space, phone number, fax number and more. Are you trying to bring success to your business? Visit us to learn more at Resource: Icraftopia...