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6200 Savoy Dr. | Houston, TX 77036 | USA


Business Entrepreneurs Networking

Business Entrepreneurs Networking

Business Entrepreneurs Networking was wonderful and inspiring.

During the events , we have special guests covering a special topic. Our speaker for the night was Mariana Cortez, who showed people how they can impact a business deal or a personal relationship with the message “behind” their words.

She discussed 10 communication tools that will work for your business and personal conversations so you get results and “miracles”.  Body language, tone of voice, confidence and attitude are all  important components in successful communication.

In every meeting, there are new entrepreneurs who come to network with other business owners. Some may have similar backgrounds and interest, while others may not. Everyone has different goals in life. Differences makes us who we are, and separates us from others.

During our events, we offer a prize to one lucky entrepreneur. While being a participant in role play,  an individual has a chance to win a prize, such as a one day of office use at Office In America Co. facility.

If you would like to know more about the Business Entrepreneurs Networking group, feel free to Contact Marian LaSalle at 713-826-4942 or email her at

I recommend you to join this bi-weekly business meetings hosted by “Office in America Co.”, including “Agency 258”, Marian LaSalle and Russ Johns to meet professionals who have a passion for success. These meetings start at 7:30 AM on the 12th floor in the Regency Square Tower located off of the Southwest Freeway.

We also provide private business offices for customers who need to focus on work, have private conversations, and hold sensitive discussions. Our company offers several packages to choose from, starting from our basic package priced at $69.99/month to our titanium package at $249.99/month.

If you cannot decide on which package is best suited for you, please feel free to contact us at 713-893-1400 or email us at