Bill Gates’s 11 Rules 5 of 11
Bill Gates's 11 Rules 5 of 11 Rule 05: Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity Your grandparents had a different word for burger flipping: they called it opportunity • Office In America Co. Bring possibilities to your business. We are your business service provider in corporate address, office space, co-working space, personal assistant, mail handling, conference room, meeting space, phone number, fax number and more. Are you trying to bring success to your business? Visit us to learn more at Resource: Motherboard...
Black Friday Deal
Black Friday starts within 24 hours. Don't miss it tomorrow. Stay tuned! ...
Bill Gates’s 11 Rules 4 of 11
Bill Gates's 11 Rules 4 of 11 Rule 04: If you think your teacher is tough wait till you get a boss • Office In America Co. Bring possibilities to your business. We are your business service provider in corporate address, office space, co-working space, personal assistant, mail handling, conference room, meeting space, phone number, fax number and more. Are you trying to bring success to your business? Visit us to learn more at Resource: Motherboard...
Happy Thanksgiving!
Office In America Co. wish you all Happy Thanksgiving Be sure to travel safe to your loved ones, and observe any traffic and weather changes heading your way In observation of Thanksgiving Day, our office schedule this week is as follows: NOV 21, Monday - Regular hours NOV 22, Tuesday - Regular hours NOV 23, Wednesday - Regular hours NOV 24, Thursday - CLOSED NOV 25, Friday - CLOSED As always, Office In America Co. continuously improves its services. We want to offer you the best because your satisfaction is the most important. - At your service - Office In America Co. Stew Leonard: "Rule 1: The customer is always right. Rule 2: If...
An American Tradition: ‘Shop, Dine Small’ on Small Business Saturday®
OPINION/EDITORIAL Press Office Release Date: November 10, 2016 Contact:Charles Abell (713)773-6512 Release Number: 16-11 Internet Address: An American Tradition: ‘Shop, Dine Small’ on Small Business Saturday® By Tim Jeffcoat, Director, Houston District Office of the U.S. Small Business Administration As we begin the holiday shopping season, let’s recommit to honoring our neighborhood champions, the Houston-Galveston Regional Area small retailers and neighborhood eateries. On November 26, I encourage you to join millions of Texans and other Americans to “shop and dine small” on Small Business Saturday®, which has become an American tradition. Small businesses represent the dynamic demographics of Southeast Texas, encompassing everyone from your delicious, unique mom and pop coffee shops, restaurants and...
Bill Gates’s 11 Rules 3 of 11
Bill Gates's 11 Rules 3 of 11 Rule 03: You will NOT make $60,000 a year right out of high school You won’t be a vice-president with a car phone until you earn both • Office In America Co. Bring possibilities to your business. We are your business service provider in corporate address, office space, co-working space, personal assistant, mail handling, conference room, meeting space, phone number, fax number and more. Are you trying to bring success to your business? Visit us to learn more at Resource: Motherboard...
Uncover Holiday Marketing Tips For Your Small Business
Please join us for a Twitter chat on holiday marketing hosted by @SBAgov. We’ll be sharing tips and tricks for small business owners to succeed during the holiday shopping season, including how to make the most of Small Business Saturday. Follow along with the hashtag #SmallBizHoliday. Thursday, November 17, 2016 3:00pm EST | 12:00pm PST Participating organizations include: @SBAgov (moderator), @SmlBizMajority, @TheUPSStore, @ASBDC, @cindy_bates from @Microsoft, @smallbiztrends, @Rieva from @SmBizDaily, @thumbtack, @expensify, @Fundera, @DnBB2B, @Bench, @Weebly, @dashdatainc, @Paychex, @WIPPWeDecide, @TwitterBusiness, @ShopSmall, @LegalZoom, @VistaPrint, @ebayforbusiness, @twcbcsmallbiz, @spectrumbiz, @ICSB, @ypforbusiness, @allisonchecchi from @ypforbusiness, @YelpforBusiness, @SCOREMentors Blog | Tax Credit for Hiring Veterans Many employers have come to learn that veterans make excellent employees. They usually are...
“The Rooftop Jam Session” Event by Go Savvy
Rooftop Jam Session highlights up & coming hip-hop artist, Roy O. Complete your Sunday fun with good drinks, positive waves, and dope music in an intimate rooftop setting that will include a live performance by Roy O. and the Del Sur band. Entry is limited so buy your tickets ASAP. Notification of exclusive entry and the location of the event will be announced on Friday, November 11th. Entry the day of the event will be $10. LET'S GIVE BACK! With the holiday season approaching, we are doing a canned goods drive for this event. Thus, we encourage attendees to donate at least one non-expired canned good food. Date...
“Tech and Tunes” Event by Topl
Join Topl and other awesome Houston startups on 11/12 at Rice University to celebrate entrepreneurship with a night of live music, food, and technology. Come network, have fun, and discover the brand new way to get out of the house and shop or eat locally with the Topl platform. Register Here Location: Valhalla, outside of Keck Hall at Rice University Entrance 21 off of Rice Blvd., parking in North Lot Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram Office In America Co.: Bring possibilities to your business. We are your business service provider in corporate address, office space, co-working space, personal assistant, mail handling, conference room, meeting space, phone number, fax number and more. Are you looking for an office space to rent? For...
BCAA networking breakfast featuring Sylvester Turner
Please Join Us for the Alumni Networking Breakfast November 17, 7 a.m., Houston City Club Join the Bauer College Alumni Association on Nov. 17 for breakfast, networking with fellow Coogs and a conversation with one of Houston's most engaging business leaders. This month's breakfast will feature Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner (BS '77). Event Details: Date: November 17, 2016 Time: 7 - 8:30 a.m. Location: Houston City Club, 1 City Club Dr., Houston, TX 77046 Please Register: Cost is $35 and is open to the public. Registration closes a day prior to the event and tickets can be purchased at the door. Bill Gates: Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning Office...