Take Your Business Global to Increase Sales and Profit
Take Your Business Global to Increase Sales and Profit
The SBA Houston District Office will be participating at the International Pipeline, Oil and Gas Safety Conference March 14-16. This conference seeks to address process safety issues in the upstream, midstream and downstream sub-sectors of the industry; with special focus on well control safety, process safety, pipeline safety, hazardous transportation safety and new regulatory impact.
To help improve public safety/health and environmental impact in the various communities where the industry operates- with emerging technologies, leak detection and prevention technologies, emission reduction technologies, compliance audit, best practices to reduce risks and hazards, and improve the overall operational safety is the focal point of this conference.
- State of Texas Representative- Jarvis Johnson
- Mark Winchester, Deputy District Director, U.S Small Business Administration (SBA)
- Reginald Harley – SBA Regional Manager for the Office of International Trade
- Sonia Maldonado – SBA District International Trade Officer
Key Notes Speakers:
- Vincent Higgins-Chairman and CEO Optech4D Inc.
- Dr. Sonny Sachdeva – Global EHS Director for PSRG
- Alexis Vitone- President- AvA Excellence in Business Strategies & HSE, LLC
- Successful Chairwoman for O& G Industry Boards (SafeGulf & API Workgroups)
- Shoshi Kaganovsky- CEO and founder of SensoLeak
- Keith J. Coyle- Shareholder- Attorney at Law Energy and Natural Resources Group- Babst Calland
- Mothusi Pahl- Vice President-Alphabet Energy Inc. Read more.
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Resource: SBA