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6200 Savoy Dr. | Houston, TX 77036 | USA


Business Entrepreneur Networking Event

Business Entrepreneur Networking Event

Every other week, Office In America and Agency 258 with Marian LaSalle host an event for small business owners to learn about important topics and to network. We usually start the event with introductions of entrepreneurs to help ease the tension and start connecting. The Business Entrepreneur Networking Event was engaging and exciting.

This week, our guest speaker was Marla Parham Regan , who is a certified productivity coach from Organized Time.  She asked everyone who attended the event to write down all their thoughts on a piece of paper, both personal and business related. Marla said,  when we release information,  it will create more room so new information can be stored.

With organized time, Marla Regan will help you be productive and stay productive by being organized and managing your time effectively . She mentioned the importance of our 1,440 minutes in a day, and how we can utilize our time at the best of our ability. We can increase productivity by eliminating bad habits and replacing them with good ones. For example, having a calendar with weekly tasks can help you plan and prioritize.

Marla said “Accountability is a tool, not only to get you on track but to keep you on track. The main ingredient to be successful is accountability” Join us in a weekly huddle to help you accomplish your goals, whether they are health/fitness, personal or business. If you would like more information, feel free to contact Marla at 281-962-8463 or email her at

If you would like to know more about the Business Entrepreneurs Networking Events or would like to become a speaker, feel free to Contact Marian LaSalle at 713-826-4942 or email her at

I recommend you to join this bi-weekly business workshop to meet professionals who have a passion for success. These meetings start at 8:00 AM on the 12th floor in the Regency Square Tower located off of the Southwest Freeway.

We also provide private business offices for customers who need to focus on work, have private conversations, and hold sensitive discussions. Our company offers several packages to choose from, starting from our basic package priced at $69.99/month to our Premium package at $149.99/month.

Office In America Co. virtual office meeting room Houston Texas

If you cannot decide on which package is best suited for you, please feel free to contact us at 713-893-1400 or email us at