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How to Encourage Work-Life Balance in Your Small Business

virtual office, Office in America Co, Houston, Texas

How to Encourage Work-Life Balance in Your Small Business

In our connected world, every small business owner struggles to develop and maintain work-life balance that works for them.

But what about the rest of your team?

You can’t be responsible for your staff’s personal choices, but you can set policies that encourage a healthy work-life balance. After all, if you’re searching for balance yourself, your employees probably face a similar struggle.

With a few simple adjustments, you can make the quest for work-life balance a little easier for the team that keeps your small business running.

Try one or more of these strategies:

1. Set communication standards

It’s easy to encourage your team to step away from their electronic devices when they leave work. But if they see an email notification or other communication from you, they’ll feel pressured to respond. After all, if the boss is working, shouldn’t everyone?

Try drafting after-hours, non-urgent emails with a tool like Boomerang, Yesware, SendLater or Right Inbox. Choose when you’d like the email sent, and rest easy knowing your employees aren’t staying up late to rush that project you just asked about.

You can even schedule responses, if you’re struggling to get to inbox zero but don’t want to bombard your recipients at an odd hour.

2. Encourage working smarter, not harder

It may be inspiring to see your employees hunched over their desks early in the morning and late at night. But just because they’re at work longer doesn’t mean they’re completing more tasks. Challenge your team members to use a productivity tracker to see how they’re truly spending their time at work.

Some trackers require logging your productive hours manually; others will work with your computer to tell you how long you use different tools like email and document editors (and yes, even Facebook and Twitter). Checking on your habits with the help of one of these tools can help kick productivity into gear. Read more 


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Resource: SCORE