Financing your Small Business Webinar
Financing your Small Business Webinar
Please join us online for a free information session on financing your small business. In this seminar you will learn about: The different SBA loan programs offered through various lenders. The SBA’s role in assisting small businesses. The information needed to obtain a small business loan. SBA resource partners that can assist you in developing your business plan and financial statements for your loan package Representatives from the Small Business Development Center, the Women’s Business Border Center, Service Corps of Retired Executives, and community lenders will occasionally participate in this online session. This live webinar will be held twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month.
September 6, 2016 | 9:00 am MDT – 11:00 am MDT
This is an online event
Savannah Wilburn savannah.wilburn@sba.gov
Monthly (same week & same day of week)
This is a free event.
Registration Required:
(915) 834-4600
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