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Encore Entrepreneur workshop in Austin

A growing number of workers age 50-plus are turning interests, hobbies or skills into a small business. Whether you are interested in starting a small business right away or are intending to wait until after retirement now is the time to explore the possibilities.
The SBA and AARP have joined forces to host a FREE workshop to learn about valuable resources available to “Encore Entrepreneurs”. You will hear from SBA, SCORE and Women’s Business Center (WBC) representatives.

WHO:       The U.S. Small Business Administration, San Antonio District Office
WHAT:     Encore Entrepreneur
WHEN:     August 22, 2016 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
WHERE:   SCORE Austin  5524 Bee Caves Rd.,Ste M-300 Austin, TX 78205

